Meet the team:
Arne Rietsch
Principal Investigator
arne.rietsch [at]
Emma Kundracik
MSTP student
Arne has been studying P. aeruginosa for more than 15 years now (oh my). His primary interest is understanding how the type III secretion system is brought to bear on host cells, and how it's function, as well as the effector proteins delivered by this molecular syringe shape P. aeruginosa infections.
Emma is currently finishing the first year of the Ph.D. phase of her training. She is working on trying to understand how the translocon is assembled, and as a hobby, building beautiful structural models of the type III secretion system with regulatory subunits docked into the apparatus.
Alicia Roistacher
Research technician
Alicia recently joined us to work on a new project focused on studying established corneal infections in mice. Her prior experience, including her masters thesis, has focused on bats. After working with bats, mice should be a breeze, right?